每个部分代表CAEP年度报告措施. 这些措施是CAEP年度报告中描述的措施的混合, 以及EPP用于基于数据的决策的其他措施.
The 内布拉斯加州教育部(NDE) regularly collects data from first and third-year teachers as well as employers of those teachers. Data collected is an indicator of teacher effectiveness in the classroom across InTasc Standards. 收集并用于整体评估的分数反映在4分上.0规模. 2022/23学年,一年级教师报告的平均得分为3分.12. The mean score of 主要s evaluating first-year teachers demonstrated and overall review of 3.12. 在2022-23年,三年级教师的雇主给体育菠菜大平台员工的评分最高,为3分.34分(4分制).
Review of data from measures of student abilities within the Charlotte Danielson framework was completed. Mean scores across the 4 domains of abilities demonstrated similar scores as to the previous four years. 在四分制量表中,完井者表现为2.在所有四个重点领域都有867个. 完成者的得分为2分.在解决学习和学习者的能力方面,平均得分为87分. 学生的平均成绩为2分.83在内容知识领域. 教学实践领域的平均队列得分为2分.78分,专业责任领域平均得分为2分.95. 这些分数都与前三年的数据具有可比性. Similar findings were found for the completer cohort for students’ previous year of clinical work.
When principals at schools where first-year students were employed were asked to rate the faculty member on his/her impact on student learning, 41%的人认为教师“高效”,41%的人认为教师“中等有效”。. 14%的人认为第一年的老师“有点效果”。. When 主要s were asked if the first-year teacher was effectively prepared for continued employment, 95%(80人)回答“是”。.
当第一年的老师被问及他们如何评价他们对学生学习的影响, 34% responded as “Highly Effective” while 56% responded with a “Moderately Effective” answer and only 10% responded “Somewhat Effective:. When teachers were asked if they believed that they were prepared to be an effective first-year teacher, 85%(66人)回答“是”。. 15%(10人)说“不”。.
被教师教育专业录取的学生的平均绩点(GPA)仍然很高.被录取的学生人数(n=418)比前两年有所增加. The numbers of students admitted to clinical practice (n=281) increased and the number of students completing the program (n=192) decreased from the last couple of years. 学生入学和完成课程的平均绩点保持稳定在3分.607.
There Praxis I examination requirement has been removed from both a program and Nebraska Department of 教育 as a requirement for entry into a professional teacher education program.
All outcome measures for each of the 9 Educator Dispositions identified by program faculty demonstrated scores above the program benchmark 0f 2.75分,满分4分. 2022-23年的完成者得分范围为3分.37-3.7分(4分制). 所有9种专业性格的完成者的总体平均值为3.59.2021年至2022年的分数范围为3分.47-3.66. 专业度的衡量标准(3).66) was the highest of the categories while the disposition that identifies Positive/enthusiastic attitude, 下一个最高分是3分.65). 排在第一位和第二位的是去年. The lowest score again came from the disposition that identified effective written and communication skills (3.47). Mean scores across dispositions throughout their academic career for the cohort of students graduating in 2022/23 (3.56)从2020/21(2)开始稳步上升.82)到2021/22的(3).26).
Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared is reliant upon passing the Praxis II Content area examination. Measures of first-time pass rate for the Praxis II Subject Assessment were also analyzed in comparison to previous years. 各科通过率达85%. 在过去的5年里,学生第一次考试的平均通过率是90%.55%, 85%- 94%不等.94%. 完成者科目测试成绩最高的科目领域包括艺术, El艾德, 英语, HPE, 阅读, PE, Soc研究, 加速, 嘘. 最低的一次通过率为50%
毕业后,保留 & 放置率
The process for tracking retention continues to be a point of focus among the 教育学院 and institution administration. We have found inconsistencies across the institution in management of improving and addressing issues of retention and persistence. Improvements have however been made in the management of data that has helped faculty and administration make data-based decisions on this front. We can report that there were 418 students were accepted into the 教师教育 for the 2022-23 academic year. 同年有192名学生毕业. 438人被2021/22学年的教师教育录取. We are unable to report retention by person or cohort and would instead rather report completion by numbers in a given class of students. This does not accurately report for a cohort the number of graduates who were accepted in a given ye and does not accurately reflect true retention. 因此, we are unable to report retention by person or cohort and would instead rather report completion by person. We are working to correct this process in order to better report retention and attrition of program enrollment. We can report that 265 of the 311 (85%) of the students that challenged the Praxis II Subject Assessments, 第一次尝试就失败了. 这表明这些学生能够获得认证, 这是内布拉斯加州被聘为教师的必要条件. 这些数据确实让我们对完成者的就业情况有了一些了解. 我们正在努力帮助跨COE的所有项目, 包括那些非教师教育, 制定和实施一个更好地跟踪就业率的程序. The university did test a campus-wide questionnaire for the acquisition of data from graduates. 将为今后获得更好的安置数据作出进一步决定.